Últimos registros ingresados en BDENF | Biblioteca Virtual en Salud Enfermería Biblioteca Virtual en Salud Enfermería

Resultados: 3

The effect of educational technology use to guide parturient women's companions: a randomized controlled study

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 55 (), 2021
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the companion's role during the labor and delivery processes, comparing the influence of the use of an educational technology. Method: A single-blind randomized controlled study, in which 73 participants were divided into two groups, 35 in the intervention group and 38 i...

O plano individual de parto como estratégia de ensino-aprendizagem das boas práticas de atenção obstétrica

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 53 (), 2019
RESUMO Objetivo Verificar o conhecimento de estudantes sobre o plano individual de parto e conhecer sua opinião a respeito da utilização dessa estratégia de ensino-aprendizagem e das boas práticas obstétricas. Método Estudo descritivo, com alunos de Obstetrícia que cursavam estágios na atenÃ...

Obstetric practices in planned home births assisted in Brazil

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 52 (), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: To describe obstetric practices in planned home births, assisted by qualified professionals in Brazil. Method: This is a descriptive study, with data collected in an online bank maintained by 49 professionals from December 2014 to November 2015, in which the target population was ...